Criteria for economic assessment of land quality

Keywords: ecology, model, control, forecasting, multicomponent, pollution


This article is devoted to the study of criteria for assessing the quality of land to solve the problem of integrated management of its quality in order to comply with environmental standards. This approach allows you to predict and optimally plan the activities of both individual farms and the entire state. It promotes high yields, strategic process management to reduce soil dehumidification, land cadastre organization, and land ordering in an agricultural setting.

The strategic direction of the use of land resources in the future determines its further nature of use, the choice of crop rotation, the timing of sowing and harvesting, etc. The state of the soil should be displayed in the Land Registry, the nature of degradation and trends should be controlled and subject to environmental monitoring and control. Information support of soil quality will allow to manage and reduce the negative phenomena that affect due to anthropogenic excessive load.

The proposed criteria for assessing the quality of land will allow us to evaluate and ensure profit in the economy of the regions and the country as a whole. This will create the basis for the formation of new economic market mechanisms. The sources of differential land rent are considered as additional net profit. The economic criteria for the cost of gross output, the payback of costs for land resources, the size of differential profit and differential rent, the coefficient of conditional cultivating land, and others are considered.

Economic criteria for land quality allow guaranteeing property rights and their reliable protection, supporting the taxation system, guaranteeing mortgage loans, conducting state control over the use and protection of land, legal support for land, development of territories, strategic planning of agricultural activities. Rational use of land based on economic criteria, together with the assessment of environmental indicators, will allow a systematic approach to the issue of environmental conservation, increase the profitability of production, reduce costs and payback period of invested funds

The obtained results of the study can be used to formalize the assessment of the state of the soil in order to streamline land management and cadastre, solve community diagnostic problems of strategic and current correction and improvement of land quality in order to obtain effective and optimal solutions to improve productivity, subject to the implementation of environmental legislation.


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How to Cite
Lyubymova, N., Puzik, V., Puzik, L., Gorbanyov, A. and Lioubimova, A. (2022) “Criteria for economic assessment of land quality”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(23), pp. 126-132. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6824123.
Quality, standardization, safety, environmentalism and ergonomics of machines and technologies