To the problem of calculation the mechanical systems of active vibrodefence

  • Kutsenko A. G. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
Keywords: periodic system, vibration, «pass bend», beam, harmonic wave


Girder with two types of the periodic fixing is presented. The propagation of harmonic waves in a onedimensional periodic mechanical system. Based on the Floquet theory for one-dimensional periodic structures obtained solution. Analysis of the solution showed that the frequency ranges of the two waves form two complementary systems of frequency ranges, that is, if a certain excitation frequency range, will spread a wave on the left side of the girder, the wave on the right side of the girder will not spread, and vice versa. Interesting fact has been established that the waves in the left and right sides of the girders can not be distributed at the same time. For each excitation frequency is always applied only one of these waves. This phenomenon can be practically used in vibration isolation problems.


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How to Cite
Kutsenko, A. (2020) “To the problem of calculation the mechanical systems of active vibrodefence”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(3), pp. 119-122. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
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