Efficiency of the grain mixtures separation performed by flat vibration sieves with looseners

  • Piven М. V. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства имени Петра Василенко
Keywords: vibration, separator, grain mixtures, segregation, looseners, porosity


The article presents the results of experimental studies of the efficiency of the grain mixtures separation process performed by flat vibration sieves with looseners. Looseners are made in the form of ribs and rifles and mounted on transversal bridges of the working surface of the sieve. At the vibrations of sieves, ribs and rifles make light grain mixture, increase the the velocity of the layer movement, that intensificare segregation and process of separation. The research was carried out on the laboratory vibration separator during the separation of grain mixtures of wheat and barley. The influence of the structural parameters of looseners, specific loads of the sieve, the size of the particle paths on the efficiency of segregation have been established. For optimal mode of operation of flat sieve vibration separarator constructional parameters of looseners have been substantiated. It is set that application of looseners intensifies a segregation process and specific efficiencies have been increased 30%. The theoretical and experimental results of the segregation process are compared. Specific productivity of the vibration separator with developed sieves for cleaning seed and food grains have been increased 20-25%.


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How to Cite
PivenМ. (2020) “Efficiency of the grain mixtures separation performed by flat vibration sieves with looseners”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(8), pp. 38-44. Available at: http://enm.khntusg.com.ua/index.php/enm/article/view/56 (Accessed: 3July2024).
Processing and storage of agricultural products