Peculiarities to choice of method for expert evaluation of the efficiency of the aviation search and rescue system

  • Chumachenko S. M. Національний університет харчових технологій
  • Cherepnov I. A. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
  • Marynin A. I. Національний університет харчових технологій
  • Moshenskyi A. O. Національний університет харчових технологій
  • Strunin I. V. Національний університет харчових технологій
  • Pysnia L. A. Національний університет харчових технологій
Keywords: method of expert estimates, SoEFH, pairwise comparisons, expertise


Over the last 70 years, the method of expert assessments has begun to be intensively developed as a scientific tool for analyzing problems that are difficult to formalize. Currently in our country and abroad, this method is widely used in solving various complex formalize problems associated with the creation of modern models of weapons, management of complex organizational and technical systems, and others.
Questionnaires and interviews, brainstorming, discussion, meeting, operational game, script and others– these types of expert assessment method are used to solve typical problems. In most cases, the greatest effect is achieved through the integrated use of several types of expertise.
Qualified application of the method of expert assessments largely depends on the method of collecting and processing the answers of a purposefully formed group of specialists.
The methods of collective work of the expert group involve obtaining a generalized opinion during a joint discussion and solution of the task by all experts.
First, "potential" specialists are selected, who by their professional qualities can be involved in the work as experts. The group should be formed in such a way as to ensure, if possible, equal representation of specialists in different areas of the study area.
The group includes those experts whose competence coefficient is not lower than the threshold value.
When conducting "typical" examinations, it is advisable to use the reliability of the expert's opinion.
Collection and processing of expert information is carried out according to the methods developed for these purposes. In practice, relevant documents (special questionnaires, etc.) are compiled to collect information, and computer technology can be used for its processing and analysis.
To conduct an expert evaluation of the effectiveness of the components of SoEFH, it was proposed to use approaches based on a consistent hierarchical decomposition of evaluation criteria and factors and pairwise comparisons.


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How to Cite
Chumachenko, S., Cherepnov, I., Marynin, A., Moshenskyi, A., Strunin, I. and Pysnia, L. (2020) “Peculiarities to choice of method for expert evaluation of the efficiency of the aviation search and rescue system”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (3(17), pp. 126-132. doi: 10.37700/enm.2020.3(17).126-132.
Quality, standardization, safety, environmentalism and ergonomics of machines and technologies