Modeling of NVIS communication network for warning of threats or emergency situation in agricultural sector in eastern Ukraine

Keywords: Emergency, Joint Forces Operation, Agro-Industrial Complex, Alert, Radio, ALE, NVIS, Antenna, MMANA-GAL


Existing threats of military and technogenic character related to the conduct of armed conflict in the area of the Joint Forces operation, which has been taking place in the territory of Eastern Ukraine for the sixth year, require from the special services, in particular, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, proper status. warning and communication systems to prevent military and man-made emergencies in the Donetsk region, including in the agro-industrial complex, to carry out their liquidation and rescue operations of civilians Donbass, which is located in the occurrence of events, and depending on the nature of the situation that has arisen, the region around the place of its origin. In this regard, and in view of the possible failure of the electricity and telecommunications networks, alternative types of communication should be considered.

This work analyzes the ALE radio network, which is widely used in the world, including to assist special services in the rescue operations. Not only does the use of the ALE radio system initiate and support voice conversation, but it also provides a number of functions, including emergency alerting, information and data sharing, short text messaging, document and image transfer, as well as geographical tracking Location. In conjunction with an NVIS antenna configuration, the above-mentioned radio system can allow uninterrupted communication in the event of an emergency, as well as during response and response. To confirm this view, the authors modeled the antenna needed to provide notification and communication, which was performed using MMANA-GAL software.


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How to Cite
Mykhailova, A., Chumachenko, S., Moshenskyi, A. and Kirienko, M. (2020) “Modeling of NVIS communication network for warning of threats or emergency situation in agricultural sector in eastern Ukraine”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (4(14), pp. 114-121. doi: 10.37700/enm.2019.4(14).114-121.
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