An assessment of the impact of regulated highly mineralized mine water discharge on the economic water use of the Ingulets river

  • Anishchenko L. Ya. Науково-дослідна установа «Український науково-дослідний інститут екологічних проблем»
  • Polozentseva V. O. Науково-дослідна установа «Український науково-дослідний інститут екологічних проблем»
  • Sverdlov B. S. Науково-дослідна установа «Український науково-дослідний інститут екологічних проблем»
  • Vinokurov N. A. Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
Keywords: discharge of high-mineralized mine water, storage reservoir, assessment of environmental impact, water quality, utility needs, irrigation


The study of the impact influence of regulated discharge of highly mineralized mine water from the storage tank in the Svistunov gulch and a special hydrological regime for the use of the lower section of the Ingulets river.

It is indicated that it is necessary to assess the ecological state of this section of the river and the impact of anthropogenic factors on it, with the allocation of different phases of the artificially created hydrological regime of the river.

According to this principle, the assessment impact of regulated discharge of mine water on the water quality of the Ingulets river was evaluated based on the systematization and analysis of departmental and published data of hydrochemical measurements for the period 2012-2017 in control section the site of the Ingulets river from the Karachunovsky reservoir to the site in the Sadovoye village was made an assessment of the impact of regulated mine water discharge on the water quality of the Ingulets river.

Based on the analysis of water quality control data by hydrochemical indicators during the discharge of return water in the autumn-winter periods, key impacts were identified that apply to the entire lower section of the river Ingulets.

It was performed the availability of the downstream Ingulets river for use in municipal purposes, for recreation and irrigation in different phases of the hydrological regime. It was found that with the exception of the mouth, where the Dnieper water constantly prevails, in the other studied sections of the lower Ingulets river, the water quality approaches the standard only during the spring-summer washing of the riverbed and recreational releases. It is during this period that water is used for irrigation.

It was conclusion that the flushing of the Ingulets river bed with a large volume of Dnieper water from the Karachunovsky reservoir is the only implemented environmental measure. In modern conditions of anthropogenic load, this event allows the use of river water resources for household purposes, recreation and irrigation during the growing season.


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How to Cite
Anishchenko, L., Polozentseva, V., Sverdlov, B. and Vinokurov, N. (2020) “An assessment of the impact of regulated highly mineralized mine water discharge on the economic water use of the Ingulets river”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (4(14), pp. 91-102. doi: 10.37700/enm.2019.4(14).91-102.
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