Comprehensive ecological assessment of the impact of the «car-road-environment» system on environmental objects

  • Abolmasova G. V. Науково-дослідна установа «Український науково-дослідний інститут екологічних проблем»
  • Pisnia L. A. Науково-дослідна установа «Український науково-дослідний інститут екологічних проблем»
  • Cherepnov I. A. Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
  • Kalinin I. V. Військовий інститут танкових військ Національного технічного університету «Харківський політехнічний інститут»
Keywords: CRE system, factors of influence, weight factor, environment, object of influence, hierarchical system, environmental impact assessment


The article describes a comprehensive approach to the environmental impact of highway activity, which is based on the application of T. Saatie's hierarchy analysis (MAI) method and implements an expert-analytical approach. As a result of the research, a complex four-level hierarchical structure was developed in the form of a spatial system "car-road-environment" (CRE). The construction of a hierarchical structure of influence makes it possible to clearly and spatially understand all the interrelationships of elements and their interdependence. The levels of the hierarchical structure are constructed in the form of a logical concept: “purpose → sub-criteria of assessment → impact factors → parameters of impact → components of the environment that are exposed ”. The values of the weight coefficients obtained as a result of the expert-analytical estimation using the program of calculations implemented by the MAI allowed to make a convincing conclusion in the expediency of taking into account the biotic component of the roadside space, which has not been taken into account so far. The value of the received estimate of the overall impact from the activity of the CRE on living organisms was 50.86%, so the assessment of air, water and soil pollution without taking into account the biotic component is not sufficient and not objective.

It is also noted that a comprehensive hierarchical approach to the evaluation of CRE using the MAI requires further refinement of the quantitative characteristics of the impact on environmental components through laboratory studies of biotic components and soil of the roadside space by standardized methods.


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How to Cite
Abolmasova, G., Pisnia, L., Cherepnov, I. and Kalinin, I. (2020) “Comprehensive ecological assessment of the impact of the «car-road-environment» system on environmental objects”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (4(14), pp. 75-85. doi: 10.37700/enm.2019.4(14).75-85.
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