Technology of Choice of System Parameters of Bovine Livestock Embryo Laser Division

  • Levkin A. V. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. Петра Василенко
  • Levkin D. A. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. Петра Василенко
  • Kotko Y. N. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. Петра Василенко
Keywords: technology, livestock, biotechnological processes, laser division, embryos


The results of experimental studies on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range with microbiological objects have proven the effectiveness of using laser systems. The method of the formalization of the problem justification of acceptable restrictions on the temperature field, the intensity values and the radius of laser radiation carrier source has been examined. This problem arises during the laser division of early embryos in livestock breeding. The substantial meaning of its setting consists in finding in the variety of permissible operating hardware settings during the laser division of the embryo those which would provide the technological process of division of the embryo and thus created the temperature field in the nearest to the place of the division points does not exceed the prescribed values. The criterion of the quality of the process flow is determined by the fact that the field doesn’t exceed the set temperature points, providing temperature stability (viability) shared parts of an embryo. Operating parameters primarily include: the power of laser exposure and geometric parameters of the laser source carrier. As an approximate physical model of the interaction of laser radiation with an embryo can be a model for a uniform spherical body heat conduction, which operates on a local spherical source, turn-to-rotating speed in a given plane and time-fissile embryo into two parts. Transient temperature field for uniform spherical body heat conduction, containing in the center (the most ‘loaded’ temperature mode) digital switching power, is described in a spherical coordinate system by the parabolic equation. The result of solving the boundary problem is the distribution of the excess temperature generated by the source only, which then is led to the true temperature, taking into account the temperature at the ‘embryo – growing medium’.


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How to Cite
Levkin, A., Levkin, D. and Kotko, Y. (2020) “Technology of Choice of System Parameters of Bovine Livestock Embryo Laser Division”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(7), pp. 40-44. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
Engineering and technologies in livestock