Sowing Qualities of Fiber Flax Seeds and Production of Dew Retted Flax Stock

  • Limont A. S. Житомирський агротехнічний коледж
Keywords: fiber flax, seeds, absolute mass, energy of growth, germination, correlation, dew retted flax stock, production


The sowing qualities of seeds are evaluated mostly by their absolute mass (the mass of 1000 ps. of seeds), the energy of growth and germination. Along with some other factors the absolute mass of seeds depends on the phase of fiber flax ripennes, as well as on the methods and terms of harvesting. Under the shift of harvesting terms from the green to complete ripeness the absolute mass of seeds is increasing with decekration on the logarithmic curve. The statistic sample of the absolute mass of seeds had the amplitude of variation from 2.4 to 6.04 gr, with the arithmetical average and the average quadratic deviation amounting to 4.43 and 0.95 gr respectively. The variation coefficient amounted to 21.4 %. It has been determined that the seeds with the absolute mass not lower than 4.2 gr can be used as the sowing materials. When using seeds with low energy of growth their field germination decreases and the sprouts will not be even and will appear step by step, which will results in the circle character of stockstand and in the complication or the impossibility of mechanized production of dew retted flax stock. The character of changes of the energy of growth and germination of seeds (depending on their absolute mass) is presented by moderately increasing hyperbolic functions, according to which the prognosticated energy of growth and the germination of seeds in the phases of ripeness, early yellow, yellow and complete ripeness can amount to 85 and 92 %, 87 and 93 %, 88 and 94 % respectively. Depending on the energy of growth the germination of seeds is presented by the equation of moderately increasing hyperbole, according to which the prognosticated germination of seeds can amount to 94.1 % under the energy of growth amounting to 90 %/ With respect to the regularities revealed under the production of fiber flax it has become possible to create the conditions for obtaining even stockstand which provides for the corresponding mechanized combing of stalks and their spreading in the belt, as well as for the highly productive use of mechanization means for the preparation and harvesting of dew retted flax stock.


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How to Cite
Limont, A. (2020) “Sowing Qualities of Fiber Flax Seeds and Production of Dew Retted Flax Stock”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(7), pp. 21-28. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
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