Theoretical calculations of the relative additional fuel consumption when the cylinders are disconnected

  • Molodan A. А. Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет
  • Poljansky A. S. Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет
Keywords: car, off cylinders, fuel economy, engine unevenness, dynamics


The question of how much the most profitable turn off engine cylinders, in order to efficiently use engine power, to support them at the same level, working cylinders need to increase cyclic fuel supply. With larger cyclic feeds working in cylinders, the average display pressure increases and the combustion process improves. When disconnecting part of engine cylinders during its operation, the indicator power of the engine decreases, resulting in lowering the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft and the torque of the engine. The need to increase the efficiency of the engine in a wide range of speed and load modes facilitates both the search for new technical solutions and the development of the previously known, which have proven themselves well. This is primarily due to requirements for fuel economy and toxicity of exhaust gases, and in some cases with the need to improve the transients in the engine while maintaining other characteristics at the same level or even improving them. Disabling cylinders allows others to work more efficiently. If the eight-cylinder engine is turned off by four cylinders, and all the air passing through the throttle valve is directed to the other four, their load will increase twice, and the efficiency will increase. Recently, in our country and abroad there has been an increase in interest in this direction in improving the economic performance of engines, especially automobile engines, as the disconnection of cylinders (disconnection of fuel) at idle and partial load. It is substantiated that fuel economy on a unbroken course and at low loads of disconnection of a part of cylinders is determined by the dependence of the indicator efficiency on the load change. The process of calculation of effective disconnection of cylinders in a multi-cylinder engine and its influence on relative additional fuel consumption is presented. The method of determination of relative additional fuel consumption at disconnection of cylinders on multicylinder engines is offered.


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How to Cite
Molodan, A. and Poljansky, A. (2020) “Theoretical calculations of the relative additional fuel consumption when the cylinders are disconnected”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(10), pp. 14-18. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).
Mobile and stationary power units and their elements.