Determination of the activating effect of low-energy laser radiation on the root system of beans

Keywords: laser, hydroponics, irradiation dose, floating platform, stem height, diameter of stem, wavelength


An experimental study to determine the activation effect of low-energy laser radiation on the physiological parameters of bean sprouts, affecting their root system. To conduct the experiment, a laboratory stand was built, which included: a control panel, a tank with nutrient solution and a holder for growing beans, sources of artificial lighting of plants and the design of their installation, aeration unit and laser installation. The tank with nutrient solution and holder was a hydroponic installation based on the method of hydrogen culture and floating platform system. The biostimulation solution itself contained a set of certain chemical elements and their concentrations for growing beans. The operation of the laboratory stand began with the supply of power to the control panel, and from it commands were given to turn on the sources of artificial lighting of plants, the aeration unit of the nutrient solution and the laser device. The technology of laser treatment of bean sprout roots was also developed, which was based on division of 30 sprouts into 3 groups of 10 units, the first and second groups were irradiated with a laser with appropriate parameters of wavelength and dose, and the third was control. The sprout was taken from the appropriate row and placed in a glass container over which was the emitter at a height of 0.01 m, while clearly affecting the suction zone of the root system, and then returned to its original position. According to the results of the experiment, a set of data was obtained that testifies to the effectiveness of laser stimulation of bean roots.


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How to Cite
Sukhin, V., Lysychenko, M. and Chorna, M. (2021) “Determination of the activating effect of low-energy laser radiation on the root system of beans”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (4(22), pp. 94-98. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6967609.
Biomedical engineering and technology