Methods of optimization in process research problems cleaning and sorting of seed crops

Keywords: optimization, machine design, separation of seed crops, mechatronic vibration seed cleaning machine, seed mixtures, physical and mechanical characteristics of seeds, mode of movement of seeds


The tasks of the design (parametric synthesis) of promising machines (complexes) were prompted by the admiration of the previous ones at the machine-building machines. There is a great range of such tasks, the need to implement various criteria will significantly complicate the problem of designing on the basis of a natu-ral experiment. The way out of the state of the art for the development of the design methodology, which is based on mathematical models, is realized on the basis of numerical methods. For the numerical model analy-sis, it is possible to carry out a multi-factor experiment with an assessment of the optimal criteria for optimal performance.

In the statistic, the outward formulation of the problem of critical optimization of the processes of cleans-ing and sorting of cultivated crops from the vicarious model of the rich ball of the liquefied effervescent sum can be seen. A complex minimax criterion of optimality is projected to start when the iterative procedure is used to model the destruction of the operating system of a vibrating machine. The method of carrying out a numerical experiment and determining the optimal parameters in the process of purification (sorting) of the nu-tritious sum is broken down. Based on the use of the created mathematical model, it is possible to conduct a full-scale computational experiment in order to vary the parameters of the vibrator and evaluate such particular performance indicators as the purity and germination of the resulting seed crop, the predicted performance of the machine.

An attempt was made to develop a model of the process of cleaning and separating seed mixtures using a vibrator. The model is based on the theoretical principles of continuum mechanics. Loose seed mixtures, being on vibrating inclined planes, behave like liquids with a viscosity variable across the layer thickness. Using the Navier-Stokes equations, in which the dynamic viscosity coefficient depends on the location of the mixture element within the continuum, the author managed to mathematically describe the processes of mixture movement in the feeder and directly on the working surface.


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How to Cite
Lukyanenko, V., Antoshchenkov, R., Nykyforov, A. and Halych, I. (2022) “Methods of optimization in process research problems cleaning and sorting of seed crops”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(23), pp. 53-59. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6819268.
Construction and theory of agricultural machines

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