Evaluationof the influence of corrosive-active substances on the destruction of the elements of the construction of cars

  • Timofeeva L. А. Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Martynov І. Y. Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Voskoboinikov D. Н. «Вагонне депо Харків-сортувальний» АТ «Украінська залізниця» , (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Hrybanov М. В. Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, (м. Харків, Україна)
Keywords: corrosion-active cargoes, corrosion resistance, protective coating, increasing corrosion resistance, types of corrosion


The article presents the features of the impact of corrosive environments on the destruction of structural elements of cars carrying dangerous goods, and on this basis suggests ways to protect using innovative technologies. The analysis of car structures revealed a general trend of control due to corrosion wear, due to different types of interaction of structural materials with the corrosive environment, operating conditions of structures, the influence of loading modes on corrosion processes, as well as corrosion conditions. The analysis of damages of freight cars as a result of corrosion influence is carried out. The main methods of existing protective coatings of freight cars are determined. The model " Model - aggressive environment" which application will allow to consider influence of geometry of a design of cars, modes of their loading and possible structural transformations in material is developed. The basic tendencies and ways in development of anticorrosive protection of cars are established. Non-metallic protective coatings on enamel, epoxy, polyurethane and other bases have become the most widespread for protection against corrosion of elements of transport constructions. Widespread use of non-metallic coatings for corrosion protection of cars, both in foreign and domestic practice, due to a number of factors: – relatively low cost of measures for surface preparation and application of protective coatings; – the only technology for applying protective coatings on cars; – the possibility of repair work and eliminate operational damage in the depot. It is established that one of the effective ways to increase the operational reliability and durability of car structures is the application of non-metallic protective coatings. Ways of protection of elements of a design of cars with use of innovative technologies for maintenance-free run of operation of the car between capital repairs, creation of a rolling stock with bodies of high durability and corrosion resistance are offered


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How to Cite
Timofeeva, L., MartynovІ., Voskoboinikov, D. and HrybanovМ. (2021) “Evaluationof the influence of corrosive-active substances on the destruction of the elements of the construction of cars”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(20), pp. 95-100. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7263722.
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