Fundamentals of line analysis and optimization to obtain seeds of melons

  • Pastushenko A. S. Миколаївський національний аграрний університет (м. Миколаїв, Україна)
Keywords: analysis, optimization, vegetable and melon seeds, graph, matrix of incidents


The article presents results of trends analysis in models and types of equipment used for different selection production volumes of vegetable and melon crops seeds in the southern region of Ukraine. Existing equipment in Ukraine for seed selection of vegetable and melon crops is energy imperfect. Significant volumes of seeds are damaged or lost in the selection process. There are no adapted to the systems of complex mechanization methods for their analysis, synthesis and optimization in obtaining vegetable and melon crops seeds. Among all methods of analysis and technical systems optimization, a method based on graph theory deserves special attention. When solving an optimization problem, it is proposed to turn to graph-theoretic constructions of the system, exergo-topological models and exergo-economic optimization. Proposed the analysis and optimization of tcomplex mechanization technical systems of obtaining vegetable and melon crops seeds using the methods of the theory of graphs. Information and flow graphs, incidence matrices have been built for an experimental sample of a production line for processing seed fruits and obtaining seeds of vegetable and melon crops. For a better understanding of the functioning process of the structural and technological scheme of a line with an experimental separator, the work has constructed parametric and exergy flow graphs and incidence matrices by which the required parameters are determined at each nodal point of the system scheme. By varying circuit solutions and / or various options for the layout of system elements, structural elements and the distance between them, it is possible to determine the optimal technological line, according to the optimization criterion selected in advance. Proposed system optimization algorithm, which establishes the procedure for calculating mathematical models, its individual elements. Economic, energy, technological, or other characteristics of the system may be considered as performance criteria.


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How to Cite
Pastushenko, A. (2021) “Fundamentals of line analysis and optimization to obtain seeds of melons”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(19), pp. 48-56. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6877381.
Processing and storage of agricultural products