The analysis and forecasting of passenger traffic on road transport

  • Mikulina М. О. Сумський національний аграрний університет (м. Суми, Україна)
  • Solarov О. О. Сумський національний аграрний університет (м. Суми, Україна)
  • Tatsenko О. V. Сумський національний аграрний університет (м. Суми, Україна)
Keywords: road transport, passenger transportation, passenger turnover, analysis, forecasting


The development road transport is closely interrelated with changes in the performance of production, trade, tourism and more. Trends in these indicators primarily affect the indicators passenger turnover and the number of passengers carried by road. As development trends for the future show, further fluctuations in passenger traffic by road should be expected, given the projected moderate growth of the trade and tourism economy. Possible crises, which are also predicted by experts, require further systematic approach and analysis of possible risks to road transport, including passenger traffic. The purpose the scientific article is to analyze, statistically process and provide recommendations for changing the performance passenger transport by road to improve the efficiency transport technologies and the quality transport services in the regions of Ukraine. The analysis changes in passenger turnover and the number of transported passengers for the conditionsSumy region based on the data of the Main Department Statistics in Sumy region confirmed the national trends of changes in passenger traffic by road transports. Processing statistical values of passenger turnover indicators and the number of passengers transported by road provides an opportunity to develop ways to improve passenger traffic, which will determine the main directions and targets for the development the transport system in the regions. These ways improvement are implemented in the development forms and methods management, as well as in the constant expansion thedevelopment of a logistical approach in the planning passenger transport and vehicle routes. Elements scientific novelty include the development recommendations for the operation and planning passenger road transport within the region, which is quite relevant for the socio-economic development of the region.


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How to Cite
MikulinaМ., SolarovО. and TatsenkoО. (2021) “The analysis and forecasting of passenger traffic on road transport”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(19), pp. 21-26. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6828992.
Transport processes of agro-industrial complex