Ecological safety of modern plant protection systems

  • Bezpal'ko V. V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
  • Zhukova L. V. Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В.В. Докучаєва
Keywords: means of protection, harmful organisms, pathogens, phytoncides, pesticides


The article analyzes the existing various plant protection products to regulate the number of pests. They are an integral part of modern technologies for growing crops. To make the optimal decision on the application of any method of plant protection, it is necessary to consider the agroecosystem as a whole. Over the past two decades, significant changes in weather conditions, their distribution by seasons, have affected not only the quality and environmental friendliness of products, but also the conservation of resources in agri-environmental approaches to agriculture. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of chemical plant protection, which currently dominates in the plant protection system, are presented. The potential of the biological method of plant protection, which is an alternative to chemical in the cultivation of crops, is revealed. Recently, this method is receiving more and more attention due to the fact that the widespread use of chemical methods is a danger to human health and disrupts environmental processes in nature, has a detrimental effect on the beneficial microflora. Consideration of the environmental damage, economic viability and environmental safety of chemical protection measures must be mandatory. Technical, economic and economic efficiency of pesticide application make it possible to evaluate the results of plant protection. Environmental problems arising from the use of pesticides encourage the search for new methods of regulating the number of pests. The new concept of integrated plant protection is the management of population dynamics of harmful and beneficial organisms on the basis of phytosanitary forecasts of different timeliness and purposeful application of modern methods and means of plant protection taking into account environmental protection and use of economic thresholds. The basic principle of nature management should be the ecological and economic principle.


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How to Cite
Bezpal’ko, V. and Zhukova, L. (2021) “Ecological safety of modern plant protection systems”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (4(18), pp. 133-138. doi: 10.37700/enm.2020.4(18).133-138.
Quality, standardization, safety, environmentalism and ergonomics of machines and technologies