Information and technical method for preventing emergency situations by the integrated use of acoustic control systems in the context process of functioning of the system "emergency situation - rescue operations - rescuer"

  • Kamyshentsev H. V. Адміністрація Державної прикордонної служби України
  • Soloviov I. І. Головне управління ДСНС України у Херсонській області
  • Belyuchenko D. Yu. Національний університет цивільного захисту України
  • Strelets V. V. Науково-дослідний експериментально-випробувальний центр «Бранд Трейд»
Keywords: emergency, rescue operations, multi-factor assessment, operational technical recommendations


Carrying out emergency rescue operations in response to emergency situations in Ukraine is currently complicated by the problem of inconsistency of the existing rescue equipment in operational rescue units with modern tasks. And this requires systemic studies, the results of which, in the form of multifactorial patterns of the operational activities of the first rescue unit, will justify proposals for increasing the efficiency of emergency rescue operations. It is noted that an important and unsolved part of the problem is the absence of a general mathematical model of emergency response.
It is shown that the representation of the process of carrying out emergency rescue operations during liquidation of an emergency in the form of the functioning of the system "emergency - rescue operations - rescuer" allows obtaining a mathematical model of emergency response by the first rescue unit in the form of a corresponding ordered set. In this system, as the initial data, there are indicators that directly characterize the personnel of the operational crew, operational rescue equipment, the conditions for conducting emergency rescue operations and an emergency situation.
A mathematical model of emergency response by the first rescue unit has been obtained, which takes into account the nonlinear influence of the selected factors, as well as their relationship with each other on the effectiveness of emergency rescue operations. The mathematical model is a system of four analytical dependencies. The first is a functional that describes the process of conducting emergency rescue operations. The second allows you to represent this functionality as a set of one-factor models. The third provides the determination of the weighting coefficients based on the results of solving the multifactorial problem. The fourth makes it possible to evaluate and select operational and technical recommendations that ensure an increase in the efficiency of the elimination process of a corresponding emergency situation based on the results of ranking factors according to the degree of influence on the effectiveness of emergency rescue operations.


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How to Cite
Kamyshentsev, H., Soloviov, I., Belyuchenko, D. and Strelets, V. (2020) “Information and technical method for preventing emergency situations by the integrated use of acoustic control systems in the context process of functioning of the system "emergency situation - rescue operations - rescuer"”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (3(17), pp. 133-139. doi: 10.37700/enm.2020.3(17).133-139.
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