Analysis of existing approaches to assess the effectiveness in the subject area of aviation search and rescue

  • Chumachenko S. M. Національний університет харчових технологій
  • Barbashyn V. V. Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О.М. Бекетова
  • Marynin A. I. Національний університет харчових технологій
  • Moshenskyi A. O. Національний університет харчових технологій
  • Strunin I. V. Національний університет харчових технологій
Keywords: aviation search and rescue, systems of emergency feed and handling, SoEFH, flight safety, efficiency


Aviation search and rescue is considered as a set of measures aimed at identifying aircraft that have suffered or are in distress and providing timely assistance to victims of an aviation accident, and can also be considered as a complex organizational and technical system. The main features of such a system are situational configuration and regulation of functioning. In modern conditions, the problem of increasing the efficiency of aviation search and rescue is urgent. That is why there is a need to develop a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of SoEFH when performing search and rescue.
When considering SoEFH from the point of view of a systems approach, then according to the existing classification it can be attributed to complex situational organizational and technical systems.
The processes of aviation search and rescue in a complex organizational and technical system is carried out by the proper interaction of three determining factors: the personnel of the system, the means of aviation search and rescue and the necessary resources. Using the available means of aviation search and rescue, the personnel of the system carry out activities to provide watch services in the SoEFH system and the implementation of aviation search and rescue.
Efficiency, as a category, has become a widely used general scientific concept, the expansion of the content of which was intended to reflect the ratio of various aspects of various types of activity, the basis of which is the result of the activity. An objective assessment of the effectiveness of the aviation search and rescue system will be the value of the ratio of the level of the systemic "effect" and the "costs" of the resource potential of the system, which achieved this effect. Increasing the integral efficiency of using the resource potential of the system with a given intensification technology increases the functional (systemic) or corresponding economic effect by an average of 10-30%. The main instrument of intensification is “optimal control” of the aviation search and rescue system, which maximizes its efficiency.


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How to Cite
Chumachenko, S., Barbashyn, V., Marynin, A., Moshenskyi, A. and Strunin, I. (2020) “Analysis of existing approaches to assess the effectiveness in the subject area of aviation search and rescue”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (3(17), pp. 118-125. doi: 10.37700/enm.2020.3(17).118-125.
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