Expediency of using AES and development of automated energy management system of enterprises

  • Strunin I. V. Національний університет харчових технологій
Keywords: automated control, AES, power consumption, energy resources


The most pressing problem for Ukraine is the need to reduce energy consumption of fuel and energy resources. That is why it is necessary to think about finding an alternative to obtaining high-quality and endless energy resources. Of the possible alternatives that could supplement or even replace traditional energy is solar radiation, as a natural inexhaustible source of energy, because the Earth has 1020 watts of solar energy per square meter, only 2% of which is equivalent to the energy obtained by burning conventional fuel. Therefore, it is possible that in the future solar energy may become the main source of light and heat on Earth. Prospects for the development of this type of energy knows no bounds. The main obstacle to the widespread use of solar energy is the dependence on the circadian rhythm, seasonal variability and weather. To increase the flow of solar energy, you need to collect it from large areas and store it in the future in batteries. Due to technical problems, the solar power plant does not work at night and is not efficient enough in the morning and evening twilight. The peak of electricity consumption is in the evening. To overcome these shortcomings, it is necessary to either use efficient electric batteries or create a system that will combine energy from several energy sources into a single network through advanced automated control of energy control and use processes. It is the structure of such an automated control system proposed in this article, which makes it possible to combine the receipt of energy resources from solar panels, wind turbines and other AES installations.


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How to Cite
Strunin, I. (2020) “Expediency of using AES and development of automated energy management system of enterprises”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (3(17), pp. 9-14. doi: 10.37700/enm.2020.3(17).9-14.
Energy saving and alternative power engineering