Justification of technology systems for harvesting biological hemp harvest

  • Shevchuk V. V. Уманський національний університет садівництва
  • Sheichenko V. A. Полтавська державна аграрна академія
  • Protsenko S. Yu. Полтавська державна аграрна академія
  • Gak V. M. Полтавська державна аграрна академія
  • Korduban N. N. Полтавська державна аграрна академія
Keywords: industrial hemp, hemp harvesting, ripeness phases, tape drives


The ways of increasing the efficiency of mechanized technological processes, the waste of the entire volume of biological yield of hemp and flax, due to the use of tape drives are investigated.
A method of forming a swath from a hemp stalk onto a tape and pulling it to the edge of the field is proposed, thereby creating conditions for a significant increase in the efficiency of mechanized harvesting and further processing of the entire biological harvest of hemp, flax and other crops.
A set of meanings of the main options (varieties) of systems of technologies for harvesting the entire biological crop of hemp mass on tape drives have been developed, which take into account the technical, technological and economic prerequisites for the implementation of the main technological operations inherent in the corresponding technologies.
A method of forming rolls on a stubble with a given mass of stems per running meter is proposed. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the mown hemp mass is laid in the form of a roll on a belt, which is released at a speed lower than the speed of the harvesting unit. Thanks to this, conditions are created for the accumulation on a small part of the field at the headlands of the entire volume of the hemp crop.
A qualitatively new technological process is proposed, in which not a thresher (harvester) with the means of its technological maintenance moves across the field in order to load the hemp with stem mass, and the hemp mass in the form of a roll is fed into the thresher. Thanks to the implementation of the noted technological process, it becomes possible to thresh the seed part of the crop, cut leaves from stems, form stems for their further processing in a trust, and carry out semi-stationary machine complexes at the edge of the field.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk, V., Sheichenko, V., Protsenko, S., Gak, V. and Korduban, N. (2020) “Justification of technology systems for harvesting biological hemp harvest”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(16), pp. 113-119. doi: 10.37700/enm.2020.2(16).113-119.
Efficiency of application of machinery in agriculture