Improving the efficiency of technical means regarding local application of mineral fertilizers in the crop cultivation

  • Kurlov V. I. Луганський національний аграрний університет
  • Fesenko G. V. Луганський національний аграрний університет
  • Poliakov А. M. Луганський національний аграрний університет
Keywords: mineral fertilizers, local applying, efficiency, screw device, evenness, feeding, soil, sectional casing


It is set by analytical researches regarding methods of applying mineral fertilizers into the soil, that the efficiency of their application largely depends on the applying terms, which are developed in the proper technologies for crop growing. Moreover, of the known methods of applying mineral fertilizers, local application directly to the soil seems to be the most effective from the point of view of use by plants, as well as the least vulnerable to the environment. An analysis of the devices that are used for local application of mineral fertilizers by dispersion over the soil surface showed that the next time they are laid into the soil, the fertilizers are not evenly distributed along the depth of the root layer, as a result of which the plants do not fully absorb the applied mineral fertilizers, which reduces the efficiency of their use. With high efficiency, mineral fertilizers are absorbed, applied directly to the zone of the root system, which is carried out during inter-row processing of crops. In addition, the mounted fertilizing plate-and flicker distributor installed on serial tillage machines are endowed with actively forced feeding, which allow the application of mineral fertilizers with increased unevenness, which reduces the effectiveness of their use. Along with this, screw fertilizer devices are known, in which the forced nature of the supply of mineral fertilizers predominates. As a result of a constructive analysis of such devices, their disadvantages are identified, which are taken into account, when being developed a more advanced auger device, which ensures even sowing of mineral fertilizers by stabilizing the movement of their fertilizers with tapes until they exit the dispensing device in compliance with a given application rate.


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How to Cite
Kurlov, V., Fesenko, G. and PoliakovА. (2020) “Improving the efficiency of technical means regarding local application of mineral fertilizers in the crop cultivation”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(15), pp. 53-58. doi: 10.37700/enm.2020.1(15).53-58.
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