Methodological approaches to assessment of transfer zones of grain corn by yield

  • Tymchuk V. M. Інститут рослинництва ім. В. Я. Юр’єва НААН (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Yehorova N. Yu. Інститут рослинництва ім. В. Я. Юр’єва НААН (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Bondarenko Ye. S. Інститут рослинництва ім. В. Я. Юр’єва НААН (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Osipova L. S. Луганський національний аграрний університет (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Halin S. F. Луганський національний аграрний університет (м. Харків, Україна)
Keywords: corn, transfer zones, yield, variation


25 regions and the Ukraine level were analyzed as specific zones for the transfer of corn, The analysis was carried of the corn yield during 2000-2016. All regions were characterized by a positive regression coefficient within the range of 0.03-0.58. The average (x) , minimum (min) and maximal (max) yield gradations were analyzed in absolute and comparative formats. Were shown zonal features. The statistical and regression coefficients were analyzed as indicators of the level and nature of existing processes. Were distinguished typical pules areas with a formalized type of technological support and the implementation of the genetic potencial of productivity (RGPP). It is expected increase corn yieldin ARC *, Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil and Kherson regions in the near future with the satisfactory approximation (R2=0,8). Formalized part of of yield gradation ≤5.0 t / ha is - 66.6% and ≥5.0 t / ha 33.4%. The leading segment (76%) were formed 12 regions (48%) with a coefficient of variation V% - 20% and 7 regions (28%) with V% - 30% . The analysis has highlighted the relevance of zonal specialization and the development and implementation of a correction factor system to achieve a representative and correct level of comparison of transfer zones. The yield is considered as an indicator of the reasonable adjustment or development of a zonal system of technological support for the production of corn.


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How to Cite
Tymchuk, V., Yehorova, N., Bondarenko, Y., Osipova, L. and Halin, S. (2020) “Methodological approaches to assessment of transfer zones of grain corn by yield”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (3(13), pp. 43-50. doi: 10.37700/enm.2019.3(13).43-50.
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