The depending traction dynamics of mobile agricultural unit on their technical condition

  • Artiomov N. P. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П.Василенка
  • Lebedev А. Т. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П.Василенка
Keywords: traction dynamics, accelerations, mobile agricultural units, power characteristics


Modern electronic element basis which is intended to determine the energy data of agricultural aggregates provide an opportunity to control them in the implementation of their technological operations and control of dynamic processes taking place in mechanical system "Tractor - Agricultural machine." Experimental investigation of dynamical properties of mobile machines are based on the measurement of various parameters of motion, sensitive inertial elements and systems in real driving conditions. Suggested method allows to determine the partial acceleration traction indicators of mobile agricultural aggregates using ternary linear acceleration sensors. In process of agrotechnical operations and constant changes in external loads, cultivating unit management to ensure its effective use, dynamic and functional stability is one of the problems of their operation. To provide qualitative control process the dynamics of unit should establish such number of sensors that will help control all axes degrees of freedom of mobile agricultural machine. The simulation results in the calculation of the partial acceleration traction in cases when the engine is running at the nominal mode and technically good and the case of the engine from idle nozzle shown that approximated results of theoretical calculations and experimental measurements confirm the decrease tractive force of unit. Using mathematical modeling capabilities and known formulas was proved that on the basis of experimentally measured acceleration components obtained using the developed measurementalregistrationa complex perhaps analytically determine the power and reactions that affect the dynamics and functional stability of mobile agricultural aggregates in the performance of technological operations. Developed algorithm allows to determine the characteristics of the power unit analytically, that helps to provide recommendations to optimize the manning and improvement of exploitation efficiency MАU.


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How to Cite
Artiomov, N., LebedevА. and КоtА. (2020) “The depending traction dynamics of mobile agricultural unit on their technical condition”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(2), pp. 9-14. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
Mobile and stationary power units and their elements.