Research of interaction of shock vibrating digger with root vegetables

  • Babka V. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
  • Malinovskiy A. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
Keywords: root vegetable, digger, vibration, shock, breaking, soil, momentum, frequency, equation


The theory of shock interaction of a vibrating digging apparatus with a root crop fixed in soil at vibrating digging of sugar beet is developed. The received dependences afford an opportunity to define analytically kinematic and constructional parameters of a vibrating digger provided that the root crops remain undamaged.


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How to Cite
Babka, V. and Malinovskiy, A. (2020) “Research of interaction of shock vibrating digger with root vegetables”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(1), pp. 93-97. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
Construction and theory of agricultural machines