Experimental substantiation of optimal diameter the suction hole

  • Mironov A. S. Днепропетровский аграрно-экономический университет
  • Zolotovskaya E. V. Днепропетровский аграрно-экономический университет
Keywords: sowing machine, vacuum, seed, crop, sown in the hole, stand, vegetables, seed rate


We have the task of creating a sowing machine with a diameter of attracting holes and press the removal of seeds, which could provide the seeding of small vegetable seeds (peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce, radishes, parsley, etc.), Cultivated in greenhouses and outdoors. This solution will simplify the design of the sowing and ensure high availability of the machine to work without changeovers. The paper presents the research on the experimental determination of the parameters stand sowing apparatus. The limits of the optimal parameters and their values. For a fixed range of parameters sowing apparatus constructed a mathematical model of the seed and determine the optimal parameters of the suction opening. Construction of mathematical models of vegetable seeds allow depending on the tasks to determine the optimal frequency of the rotor speed sowing apparatus for a given seeding rate, seed culture, the diameter of the suction hole and the amount of pressure. For a fixed range of parameters sowing apparatus constructed a mathematical model of the process of seeding and determined the optimum diameter of the suction hole equal to 0,00054447 m. This result is consistent with the theoretical conclusions. To ensure standards when seeding pepper the pressure should be taken at the upper limit, while sowing the seeds of tomato and cabbage – on the bottom, the diameter of the suction cup you can take 0,5 mm to the positive tolerance of up to 0,03 mm.


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How to Cite
Mironov, A. and Zolotovskaya, E. (2020) “Experimental substantiation of optimal diameter the suction hole”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(5), pp. 103-107. Available at: http://enm.khntusg.com.ua/index.php/enm/article/view/162 (Accessed: 7March2025).
Construction and theory of agricultural machines