Optimization of the main parameters of the bricking

  • Polyansky O. V. Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
  • Dyakonov O. V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка
  • Dyakonov V. I. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка
  • Skrypnik О. S. Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова
Keywords: Polyethylene waste, wood waste, fuel briquettes, biofuel, solid multicomponent composition


The statistical materials, performed on the basis of the analysis of quantitative indices of polyethylene and vegetable wastes, are presented. The main problems of using waste as fuel are noted. The main results of the research and the method of effective use of polyethylene waste as an energy-saturated component and binder in the production of solid fuel are outlined. The technological scheme, experimental production plant and equipment necessary for the implementation of the method of obtaining briquettes are presented. A model of technological process with an effective sequence of technological operations and parameters of optimal component composition is presented. The main factors that have a significant structural effect on the creation of a solid multicomponent fuel structure are reflected. The graphic representation of the principle of selection of particles of a mixture at formation of solid fuel by the method of briquetting taking into account the composition of viscous waste polyethylene is given. The dependence of the dimensionless concentration of emissions into the atmosphere during combustion of solid fuel is presented. The practical results of the use of polyethylene waste on the equipment for the production of solid multicomponent fuel are given. The data of economical expediency of using solid multicomponent fuel with high thermotechnical characteristics on boilers operating on local types of solid fuel is analyzed. This is a perspective assessment, the relevance and practical significance of solving the problem of efficient use of polyethylene waste in the production of solid multi-component fuel is noted.


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How to Cite
Polyansky, O., Dyakonov, O., Dyakonov, V. and Skrypnik О. (2020) “Optimization of the main parameters of the bricking”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(12), pp. 17-27. Available at: http://enm.khntusg.com.ua/index.php/enm/article/view/134 (Accessed: 7March2025).
Energy saving and alternative power engineering